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30 Mar, 2007 21:30

U.S. forces preparing strike against Iran?

U.S. forces preparing strike against Iran?

Russian Intelligence Services have received information confirming that U.S. military forces are ready to begin a military campaign against Iran, according to a RIA-Novosti News Agency report.

The source also said the Pentagon is preparing for combat, but the final decision is up to the U.S. political leadership. 

Top Russian military officials even believe the U.S. could launch a nuclear strike on Iran.

“For the U.S., the necessity may arise to apply nuclear weapons, and we are examining such a possibility. The application of nuclear weapons will put this war on a different level. If the U.S. or Israel use nuclear weapons, this will cause escalation in the use of all agents we regard as weapons of mass destruction,” said Leonid Ivashov, Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Studies.

According to Russia Today’s military analyst Evgeny Khrushchev, isolated and threatened by the U.S.-led international pressure, Iran has nowhere to run, except to rally public support at home for the inevitable denouement.

After the detention of 15 British Navy sailors in disputed waters, and another round of UN sanctions against Iran, the situation in the region has come precipitously close to military confrontation.

Allegedly to defuse the tension in the Gulf, the U.S. Navy has launched the largest war game operation since the invasion of Iraq.

Washington believes only persistent and patient pressure will force Iran to back down from its nuclear ambitions and is saving the military option as a last resort.

Tehran, has reiterated time and again, it will not abandon its nuclear programme.

The Russian military establishment is certain U.S. forces are poised for an air strike codenamed “Bite”, against Iranian nuclear installations, which is supposed to commence on April 6.

Only the kid-glove diplomacy of detente can prevent this mutually destructive showdown before the point of no return.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press news agency is reporting that Iran has decided to withhold information from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

That's according to a confidential letter posted by Iran on the IAEA's internal website.

The document says fear of attack from the U.S. and Israel triggered the move.

The UN nuclear watchdog is urging Iran to reverse its decision.
