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12 Jan, 2012 17:22

Pro-Ron Paul ad features RT

Supporters of Ron Paul will say that the reason they respect the congressman as much as they do is that the GOP candidate does something uncommon for most politicians — he sticks to his word.

One doesn’t have to look much further than RT to see that that’s exactly the case.As America comes close to entering into a war with Iran, Paul continues to caution against a massive propaganda machine that drives citizens to support pointless military operations. During recent debates he discussed the inexplicable hype that is encouraging Americans to breed anti-Iran rhetoric and once again blamed it on the establishment’s attempt to influence Americans into another Iraq or Afghanistan. This notion of Paul's is one that has come off among the strongest for supporters. In fact, a recent YouTube video made in favor of Congressman Paul focuses entirely on the candidate’s discern for the war propaganda machine — and uses a RT clip to drive the point home.In the video, “Ron Paul – War Propaganda,” the producer pulls from various clips highlighting Paul’s opposition to politician-created wars and how the other GOP hopefuls have aligned themselves with those causes. One of the clips comes courtesy of an interview RT conducted with former CIA agent Michael Scheuer, in which the man that worked to bring down Osama bin Laden himself suggests, “Washington’s enemy is an enemy that doesn’t exist.”In the YouTube clip, the video then follows up immediately with a recent quote from Paul where he declares that having another war in the name of defense is a dangerous thing.As Ron Paul fever sweeps into South Carolina after taking Iowa and New Hampshire, some say it is surprising that the mainstream media is now finally catching up with the politician. As reporters begin to, to a degree, dismiss earlier allegations that he was a fringe candidate, they are also slowly by surely abandoning the notion that Paul would be unable to garner enough support to advance this far in election season. Ron Paul thanks his success on ideas that he says the other candidates can’t get behind, and those ideas have been very well the cornerstone of the politician’s tenure in Washington.In an interview with Ron Paul from January 2009, the congressman told RT that he was skeptical of Barack Obama only days before his term in the White House officially started. When quizzed by RT on what he thought the president-elect could do to change the foreign policy failures of George W Bush, Congressman Paul answered, “Probably nothing.”“His advisors are essentially the same. Philosophically they come from the same position. Even John McCain and his supporters have been pretty pleased with the appointment so far,” added Paul.“Obama got some credit for saying, well, we’re going to come home from Iraq, but not for a minute did he say that he was going to come home from the Middle East because he wants to put more troops in Afghanistan.”Even before the Obama administration began, Paul told RT that the White House being built on a promise of hope and change was really “just inviting more problems.”Paul has polled strong among Republican and independent voters so far in the election season, and many say that it isn’t just the candidates stick-to-itiveness that has brought him this far, but his ideas on foreign policy that so drastically differ from Obama and the GOP establishment. Without a doubt, a trademark of the Paul campaign so far is an end to imperialist foreign policy, and as the candidate premiers for a debate and primary in South Carolina — a state that economically thrives on the US military — his ideas could either make or break his run for the White House.Sure enough, Ron Paul told RT the same thing nearly three years earlier. “We get in the middle of these fights,” Paul said to RT in January ’09. “If we pick sides, we actually make it worse,” added Paul.“I would say the best we can do to help ourselves as well as contribute to peace is to be less involved.”As opposition to the Iraq and Afghanistan war finally ended to a withdrawal of troops worth writing home about, it is clear that Americans are sick of war. Mainstream Republicans, however, continuously campaign to increase Defense spending and put America on the offensive. Between Obama’s recent announcement of a massive strategic mobilization of America’s troops and the GOP frontrunners encouraging intervention in Iran, the war propaganda machine has already been put in motion. Ron Paul could very well be the only cog to clog it — and don’t forget that RT told you first.
