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19 Jun, 2014 00:53

​Western media doing Kiev’s job in hiding its ‘fascist allegiances’

​Western media doing Kiev’s job in hiding its ‘fascist allegiances’

The western media does not give a balanced view of the situation refusing to recognize fascist elements in Ukraine, virtually giving the government a free hand in using troops against its own people, investigative journalist Tony Gosling told RT.

RT:President Poroshenko has again reiterated that he wants to end the violence, is he serious?

Tony Gosling: Well, you just said an international outcry, but there’s been not a lot of coverage of this in the western media, which is really rather worrying. It was a little bit like about a month after the coup in Kiev, when we had Alekander Pantalinov, he was boss of Ukraine’s BBC basically, the state broadcaster, who was beaten up by members of the Svoboda Party, the Fascist Party. And what’s going on here, in the West is a failure to recognize what’s going on; this is the first fascist government we’ve had in Europe since the end of Franco. That’s what happening and that’s why people are very worried across the west, is that our media is really not explaining this.

The problem is from a media point of view, is that’s there’s no real need for the people in Kiev to hide their fascist allegiances – their pictures of Stepan Bandera for example on the wall, who was this Nazi fascist leader in Ukraine in World War II – because the Western media are doing their job for them.

That’s what’s so worrying is that we’re not getting the balance on both sides. I would say probably in Russia too, you know, there’s not the balance. But we’re certainly not getting that here in the West.

Roza Gerasimenko,79, surveys the damage in her home following what locals say was overnight shelling by Ukrainian forces in the outskirts of the eastern Ukrainian town of Slaviansk May 20, 2014. (Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)

RT:Now the Prime Minster has to agree too, could that be the reason the President’s calls to end violence have so far rung hollow, do you think?

TG: I think as an oligarch, he’s not really representing the whole of Ukraine. He’s more of a hired hand of the fascists now in power over there. I mean the roots of the problem in Ukraine now go right back to World War II. We have to look at some of the people that helped create NATO back in the United States and Britain. We had Edward the eighth of course who was fascist. We had Montagu Norman who was in charge of the Bank of England during World War II who had extreme Nazi sympathies and people like Desmond Morton working in the intelligence services. Over in the United States, probably even more openly the Dulles brothers and Prescott Bush.

So this is the problem, is that since World War II we’ve had all these institutions created, particularly NATO, which have actually got their roots in some of the fascism from the Second World War, and that’s not really being explained to us, and we need some action because the EU is backing this. What we need is the Council of Ministers to recognize that there are these fascist elements in Ukraine, and actually fail to back them until these fascists are moved out. Because they are in some of the key jobs, the attorney general for example in Ukraine now, as well as the defense ministry and the interior ministry in charge of policing national security. All of these important jobs are now taken by these fascist parties who the World Jewish Congress have begged really with the European Union to ban these parties and begged with the previous Ukrainian government to ban them. And there’s a failure to deal with this, which comes I think, because the biggest problem, one of the biggest problems anyway is that NATO is actually backing these people, and we’re not getting a recognition from that at all really here in the West.

Yekaterina Len, 61, cries outside her destroyed house following what locals say was overnight shelling by Ukrainian forces in the outskirts of the eastern Ukrainian town of Slaviansk May 20, 2014. (Reuters/Yannis Behrakis)

RT:You touched on it there Tony. You said the West accuses Moscow of not trying hard enough to stop the conflict in Ukraine’s east, is that fair, is Kiev trying hard enough themselves?

TG: Of course they’re not. I think they want conflict, that’s what seems to be happening isn’t it? Words are one thing, but let’s look at what’s taking place on the ground. They are trying to fly troops in at night, this kind of thing, in order to control that part of the country. I think ultimately I order to stop a civil war, there’s going to have to be some kind of division, a border in Ukraine now.

I mean, particularly with the banning of these Russian language TV channels, we’ve just heard about. With this kind of things, there is clearly not an interest in Kiev anymore of having plurality across the country. And if that’s coming from Kiev, then I’m afraid that various parts of eastern Ukraine are left with very little choice but to have an armed population and to secede, if the government is using the troops against its own people.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
