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27 Jan, 2016 16:40

'I don’t trust Conservatives': Army veteran demolishes Tories after minister sent him begging emails

'I don’t trust Conservatives': Army veteran demolishes Tories after minister sent him begging emails

Irate army veteran Billy Wells dropped logic bombs on the Tories including PM David Cameron and the late Margaret Thatcher after receiving begging emails from Defence Secretary Michael Fallon.

The row was first reported by the Canary website after Wells’ response to an email asking for donations and attacking Labour was posted on social media.

The email from Fallon claimed Labour “have said they would weaken Britain’s defences by having a nuclear deterrent without any nuclear weapons, [and] they would negotiate with Daesh terrorists…

Wells, who served as a military bandsman in the UK and Germany, said that it was bombing Syria – rather than Labour policy – that was jeopardizing the safety of people in British cities.

Recently Cameron took us to Syria putting this country under threat of street massacres of the kind we have seen in France.

He also slammed the past and present Conservative government’s policies of opting for conflict instead of negotiating for peace.

Wasn’t it Margaret Thatcher who refused to negotiate with terrorists in the form of the IRA? Wasn’t it negotiations that brought about peace and stopped the killing?

I wonder how many deaths could have been avoided had Mrs Thatcher done the right thing,” he said.

Wells said that he had learned not to trust Tories as a young soldier when a Conservative government gave the army a pay rise, but effectively took it back in increased charges for food and accommodation.

He also attacked British foreign policy and imperial ambitions.

We are no longer a world power and I for one have had enough of our politicians voting to kill and putting our lives in danger,” he said.

Bombing another country is not defending our shores – which is what our defence forces should be there for and no more.

It’s you the Conservatives I do not trust,” he added.

Wells, an ardent supporter of the NHS, lambasted Fallon for asking for donations in the email while “destroying” the health service.

You are destroying the NHS, selling assets owned by me and other taxpayers at knockdown prices, stealing from the poor and giving to the wealthy. How dare you ask me to support the Conservatives,” Wells wrote.

Not content with his takedown, Wells went further by telling Fallon that he would rather burn his money then give it to “a heartless lying bunch of elitist privileged fools who have no idea what it is to struggle to feed, clothe and stay warm.
