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11 May, 2016 11:56

Swearing out: Leftist MP seeks to oblige businesses to eject cursing customers

Swearing out: Leftist MP seeks to oblige businesses to eject cursing customers

Russian MP Oleg Mikheyev of the center-left Fair Russia party has proposed to make it legally-binding for restaurants and cinemas to eject clients for loud swearing, claiming the move could make the average citizen more cultured.

The lawmaker summed up his ideas in an open letter to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, quoted by Interfax. In the document he urged the PM to amend the existing rules of running cafes restaurants and movie theaters and allow the administration of such establishments do deny further services to ill-behaved patrons. 

Mikheyev noted in the letter that despite the fact that public swearing is a felony under Russian administrative code, restaurants and movie theaters had no fixed rules on how to react to it. Allowing businesses to take measures by themselves would make the average citizen more civilized and polite, he claimed.

READ MORE: Ban Coca-Cola over missing Crimea on Russian map, says leftist MP

The MP is well-known for making unusual populist proposals, both in comments and as official legislative drafts. These include this year’s demand to put graphic labels warning about dangers of obesity on fast food packaging, the call to list the Coca-Cola company as an “undesirable organization” over an incorrect map used in an online ad and an actual bill banning computer games that either allow playing as Nazis or require controversial action by those playing as Russians.
