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24 Aug, 2007 05:05

Ukraine celebrates Independence Day

The mood is festive in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, marking the 16th anniversary of the country's independence. Celebrations include a military parade, sports competitions, a flower exhibition, free public concerts, and fireworks later in the evening.

Meanwhile, with election-fever gripping Ukraine, President Viktor Yushchenko has announced he will convene a national constitutional council to draft a new Constitution.
The Our Ukraine party and the Yulia Timoshenko Bloc have included the idea of changing the constitution in their election programmes. It is a hot topic of Ukrainian politics.
Yulia Timoshenko is calling for holding a referendum on the same day as the election, September 30, on the question of keeping the parliamentary form of government, or switching back to a presidential one. 
Meantime, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, wants to convene an extraordinary session of the Ukrainian parliament, which was dissolved by President Yushchenko a number of times already. 
As for the general public, people say they are tired of politics and want to take the opportunity to celebrate.
