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24 Apr, 2015 17:07

New round of Iran nuclear program talks: Russia's view

New round of Iran nuclear program talks: Russia's view

The next round of P5+1 talks with Iran on its nuclear program may be held next week. The details are being discussed at the meeting of political directors on April 24 in Vienna.

Russia doesn't expect any miracles this time. The goal is to continue from where the previous round in Lausanne ended. There are some worrying signals coming from some capitals, and we want to be sure that nothing undermines the Lausanne agreements.

Russia has a number of its own priorities and important objectives. One of them is to persuade all of our colleagues to accept the priority of lifting the arms embargo against Iran, as a measure unrelated to the nuclear problem.

A lot is being said of the procedure for eventual renewal of sanctions against Iran in the hypothetical case of Iran not fulfilling its obligations. We insist that this should be decided through a vote on a UN Security Council resolution in accordance with the Council's rules of procedure. Proposals to introduce some "automatic" procedures undermine the Security Council authority.

As for Russia's delivery of S-300 anti-aircraft missile system to Iran: it's a fully legitimate decision. One should not think that the delivery itself will happen in the nearest future. What is important is that the decision for this contract to go forward has been taken, and the respective legal framework has been put in place. We are sure that this will be an incentive for the talks to advance and help improve the security situation in the Middle East.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
