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25 Mar, 2010 13:47

Scribing the Bible – one verse at a time

Scribing the Bible – one verse at a time

Russia has joined an international effort to handwrite the Bible, one verse per person. Organizers hope the project will result in 100 copies written in different world languages.

The action has been organized by the Israel-based Bible Valley organization and its goal is to promote understanding and love between people of different nationalities and religions.

So far, 54 countries have joined the effort. In Russia, people wishing to contribute can visit an exhibition at a bookstore in Moscow to write one of the 23,000 verses of the Old Testament or the almost 8,000 verses of the New Testament.

Organizers say the idea to launch their global campaign came after their previous project – collecting illustrations of biblical stories drawn by children throughout the world – proved a huge success. Back then they received more than 800,000 works from 91 countries. Russian children contributed 20,000 of them.
