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7 Oct, 2015 16:27

Student diversity officer charged over ‘#killallwhitemen’ tweet

Student diversity officer charged over ‘#killallwhitemen’ tweet

Goldsmith University student diversity officer Bahar Mustafa has been charged for allegedly posting a racist tweet using the hashtag #killallwhitemen.

Mustafa, 28, from northeast London, first sparked outrage when she banned white men from attending a students’ union meeting intended for women from ethnic minority backgrounds. 

She then reportedly posted a “threatening” message on social media which said “kill all white men.”

Mustafa, who claimed she received death threats after sharing her views, is due to appear at Bromley Magistrates court on November 5.

She faces two charges for alleged racial slurs.

One charge is for sending a threatening message between November 10, 2014, and May 31 this year.

The second is for a grossly offensive message sent via social media.

In a statement, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said: “A woman interviewed under caution regarding a complaint of racially motivated malicious communication made on a social media network has been summonsed to court.

However, critics argue Mustafa should not have been charged.

Writing in Breitbart, journalist and entrepreneur Milo Yiannopoulos said Mustafa should “never have been arrested” as she is “not a dangerous criminal.”

Personally, yes, I think she should be fired. She shouldn’t be in a publicly-funded position with a hateful attitude like that,” he said. 

But should she be arrested? No. She’s not a dangerous criminal, just a useful idiot whose head has been filled with progressive claptrap and who doesn’t realize how out of date her cultish ideology is,” he added.

In a video defending her actions, Mustafa denied being racist and said all the criticism she received is an “outrageous distortion of fact.”

Racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender and therefore women of color and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system,” she said.
