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29 Jun, 2016 02:10

Pregnant teen fast food worker attacked at Wendy’s drive-thru

Pregnant teen fast food worker attacked at Wendy’s drive-thru

A Wendy’s fast food worker’s shift took a turn for the worse when two customers pulled the pregnant 19-year-old through the drive-thru window because they believed she had forgotten their straws.

UPDATE: Footage and details released by police show that Victoria Repine's story left out some very important details. The 19-year-old was grabbed by the women in the purple Charger. However, Repine was not pulled out like she claimed. Rather, coworkers kept her from being pulled out, but then Repine decided to jump out the window herself and fight.

Victoria Repine is recovering from her assault, while police locate her attackers. It began when three women in a purple Dodge Charger pulled up to the Wendy’s restaurant in Independence, Missouri, and started an argument.

Repine’s mother, Heather Salcedo, says that a woman in the car “said you forgot to give us our effin’ straws and [Repine] said, ‘No ma’am, they’re in your bag,’according to KCTV.

Initial reports said this answer was apparently unacceptable to the first two attackers, who pulled the pregnant teenager through the window. A third woman in the car then got out of the Charger and joined in the assault. There was reportedly a fourth attacker involved, but witnesses could not tell whether the person was male or female.

Eyewitnesses told the assailants that Repine was pregnant, but to no avail. Repine was transported to the hospital where officers assessed her injuries as “multiple scratches” and marks on her face, neck, chest and arms. An ultrasound confirms that her unborn baby appears to be unhurt by the incident. Repine has since been released from the hospital and is at home where her mother claims she is resting comfortably.

While the random and vicious attack may be alarming, it is not uncommon for fast food workers. Terrence Wise, a 20-year veteran of the fast food industry, told KCTV that this is par for the course.

I've been assaulted,” Wise said. “I've had drinks thrown at me, but I've seen coworkers in situations where they've been robbed and harmed by customers that aren't acting right.

While police track down the assailants, Wise believes that Wendy’s owes their employees better protection to avoid these incidents.

Demand that Wendy's and all fast food to protect workers,” Wise said. “Give them a living wage and protect them. They can afford it.
