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15 Jun, 2018 11:42

May’s Grenfell ‘regret’ questioned as she spends first anniversary with bankers rather than victims

May’s Grenfell ‘regret’ questioned as she spends first anniversary with bankers rather than victims

Theresa May’s words of ‘regret’ at not meeting Grenfell survivors in the immediate aftermath of the fire, a distant memory as the UK PM attempted to woo European Financial bosses on day of the 1st anniversary of the disaster.

Theresa May’s ‘regret’ at not meeting Grenfell survivors in the aftermath of the fire tragedy, was seemingly a distant memory as she spent the blaze’s first anniversary wooing bankers instead of attending a march to honor victims.

Writing in the Evening Standard, days before the anniversary, May stated that she “will always regret that by not meeting them [the Grenfell Tower fire victims] that day, it seemed as though I didn’t care.” But just several days later her ‘regret’ did not lead her to attend the silent march marking the anniversary, instead she attempted to woo an audience of European financial bosses in the city of London, reports the Financial Times.

The revelation drew widespread criticism on social media with claims that the Prime Minister was being disrespectful.

Thousands of people took part in a silent march of remembrance to mark the one year anniversary of the fire that claimed 72 lives. A group of MPs, including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn - who wore a scarf in the now iconic Grenfell green, participated in the procession.

He wrote a message on the tower’s perimeter fence: “Love and sympathy to all at Grenfell. Together we mourn. Together we overcome.” At the wall of remembrance, Corbyn was pictured in a warm embrace with boy who had ran up to give him a hug, “Jeremy responded immediately”, according to fellow attendee, Labour MP Karen Lee.

May was heavily criticized for not meeting Grenfell survivors in the immediate aftermath of the fire, opting instead to speak to emergency services crew who had worked on that fateful night. Commenting on her decision, she says: “What I did not do on that first visit, was meet the residents and survivors who had escaped the blaze. But the residents of Grenfell Tower needed to know that those in power recognized and understood their despair.”

Huffington Post reports that the Prime Minister did speak directly to Grenfell survivors in private while joining worshipers observing Ramadan at the Al Manaar mosque, near the tower earlier in the week ahead of the anniversary.

READ MORE: Grenfell housing boss branded 'tasteless' for hosting party on 1st anniversary of fire 

In her speech to European financial bosses, May revealed that her government would be bringing in changes to the Tier 2 visa system, that she insists will benefit the financial sector in recruiting top talent from outside the European Economic Area.

The change means that around 8,000 visas that are currently issued to doctors, nurses and other professionals in the health sector each year should become available to other sectors, such as finance.

Omar Baggili, RT Journalist

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