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5 Dec, 2019 18:49

‘Cruel coward’ Trump versus ‘nervous wreck’ Pelosi: Impeachment drama heats up (VIDEO)

‘Cruel coward’ Trump versus ‘nervous wreck’ Pelosi: Impeachment drama heats up (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had barely announced the impeachment of President Donald Trump, before the California Democrat and the embattled president were verbally clubbing each other – and in Pelosi’s case, the media.

After the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry against Trump wrapped up, and a report was sent to the Judiciary Committee, Pelosi announced on Thursday that she would instruct the Democrat-led committee to draft articles of impeachment against the president, bringing Trump one step closer to a Senate trial.

With the issue of whether or not Trump actually committed the “high crimes and misdemeanors” necessary to trigger impeachment largely a question of politics, one reporter at a press conference on Thursday asked Pelosi whether she is driving forward with impeachment out of “hate” for Trump.

Pelosi was indignant. Stammering and wagging her finger at the offending journalist, Pelosi responded: “I don’t hate anybody. I was raised in a Catholic house. We don’t hate anybody...so don’t you accuse me!”

Returning to the podium, Pelosi rounded on Trump, declaring him a “coward,” “cruel,” and “in denial” on gun violence, immigration and climate change respectively.

“As a Catholic, I resent your using the word ‘hate’ in a sentence that addresses me. I don't hate anyone. I was raised in a way that is...a heart full of love, and always pray for the president,” she concluded. “So don’t mess with me.”

Trump, being Trump, messed with her.

“Nancy Pelosi just had a nervous fit,” he tweeted.

Trump has attacked Pelosi on her stewardship of her San Francisco congressional district before. As impeachment hearings opened last month, the president tweeted a link to a scathing article detailing the rampant homelessness, drug use, and street crime plaguing the city.

The war of words between Trump and Pelosi will likely continue as the Judiciary Committee begins drafting the articles of impeachment. From there, the articles will go to a full House vote, and if a simple majority of the Democrat-controlled House votes in favor, Trump will be tried by the Senate. However, a two-thirds majority is then necessary to remove the president from office – an unlikely outcome in the Republican-held upper house.

Shortly before Pelosi announced the impeachment instruction, Trump declared that the Democratic Party had “gone crazy” in its efforts to oust him, adding: “If you are going to impeach me, do it now, fast, so we can have a fair trial in the Senate, and so that our country can get back to business.”

Also on rt.com Pelosi says Trump to be impeached, Trump says ‘do it fast, but I’ll win’

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