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17 Jul, 2020 13:48

A curriculum of indoctrination: How left-wing teaching unions are holding parents & children to ransom

A curriculum of indoctrination: How left-wing teaching unions are holding parents & children to ransom

The refusal of radical union leaders to reopen schools this fall unless their demands are met is not about Covid-19 – it’s a political act aimed at getting Joe Biden elected in November.

America's teachers’ unions are composed of racialized political activists who indoctrinate rather than educate our children.

For the past 40 years, teachers have been radicalizing and imposing their extreme left values, sold as “progressive ideologies,” on our children. Mirroring the Marxist Black Lives Matter model, the teachers’ unions and BLM both demand the destruction of all heroes, symbols and statues to facilitate their total rewrite of history.

The “plan” includes imposing hyper-sexualized norms on our children with complete disregard and disdain for their parents’ normative values. The teachers’ unions demand our children be led down the road to Marxism, which will help ensure the destruction of the nuclear family unit along with traditional family values.

Reopening schools

It is clear that US teacher unions possess a frightening amount of power and need to be broken up, just like Jimmy Hoffa’s Teamsters Union in the 1950s and ‘60s. In the LA school district, the California Teachers Union (CTU) has decided to keep schools closed this fall.

The CTU is also making extortionate political demands, such as defunding the police, an end to charter schools (which are autonomous, often-parent led, and largely non-unionized) and money in the form of gigantic federal subsidies, ahead of the needs and rights of students. The CTU uses any opportunity, especially the global coronavirus pandemic, to slam Trump and influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

During an interview on John Catsimatidis's radio show, Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Union, a member of the AFL-CIO and a staunch Democratic Party activist, threatened parents that “there's no way” schools will reopen in the fall unless her union’s demands are met. Weingarten – a regular donor to the Democratic Party – is also demanding massive federal funding before reopening schools in the fall, all while fashionably attacking President Donald Trump.

Not to be left behind, the propaganda rag known as the New York Times recently had their most talented fearmongering race-baiters and propagandists launch into another anti-Trump screed titled ‘Trump Threatens To Turn Pandemic Schooling Into A Culture War’. When in doubt, blame Trump.

One must ask if this is about what is best for our children, or is this about evil political operatives who have an agenda to see Biden elected president of the USA?

The debate to reopen schools in the US has become more about politics than about actual science. The left ignores the fact that while the number of new infections has increased, the 7-day average number of Covid deaths has dropped from 2,232 in mid-April to 724 deaths as of July 14, 2020 – a near 70 percent decrease, which is terrific news.

The left also ignores the fact that there has been no discernible spread of Covid-19 by children below 12 and no mortalities of children below 15 at all. 

In fact, while America is still arguing about reopening its schools, most children in Asia and Europe are already back in school. These countries have focused on hygiene, hand washing, social distancing and testing. Recently, many countries in Asia and Europe have even gone as far as to drop social distancing limits. In France, experts have found no correlation showing that children transmit Covid-19 to adults.

This week, a German study reported schools have a low coronavirus infection rate. The results showed that “the dynamics of the virus spreading have been overestimated” and that schools did not develop a high transmission rate after reopening in May.

In the German study of 2,045 blood samples taken from 13 school districts, Professor Reinhard Berner, the clinic director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of the Dresden University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, concludes

“This means that a silent, symptom-free infection in the pupils and teachers examined by us has so far occurred less frequently than we suspected. These results of the investigation provide evidence that virus transmission in families is not as dynamic as previously thought. More than 20 of the subjects examined had at least one proven corona case in the family; however, antibodies were found in only one of these study participants, which would mean that the majority of schoolchildren did not experience any infection themselves despite an infection in the household. This finding must also be taken into account when it comes to deciding on measures to limit contact."

Not allowing schools to reopen hurts children. It is likely to cause educational and socialization problems and to deprive the most vulnerable, low-income and special-needs children of nutritious meals and a place to escape their dysfunctional and often abusive households.

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Defund the police

In response to the teachers’ unions push to “defund the police” a week ago, Bill de Blasio, New York’s mayor, pulled 600 specialist anti-crime police officers off the city’s streets.

Has the plan worked? No. A one-year-old boy was murdered in NYC. The plan is an epic failure that has and will cost the lives of our children. In the last week, at least 21 children were murdered in America. Our biggest cities are no longer safe.

Enough is enough – people need to fight this madness. Stop the push to demonize and defund our police. Our law enforcement officers need to be supported, not dehumanized. Yes, there are bad cops, but there are also bad doctors, bad teachers, bad bankers and bad people in every profession. Just as a perfect socialist Utopian green new deal doesn't exist, perfect humans don't exist either.

Civil society demands unity, not anarchy that features shrieking minorities who use fascist tactics to impose Marxist values on the majority. While I disagree with the massive boycotts the majority are planning against major “woke corporations” for their phony virtue signaling, identity politics and discriminatory practices, the time for people to speak out is now.

It's time for a national review of public school curriculums. It’s time to break these powerful unions. It’s time to increase funding of charter schools that allow parents to decide what is being taught to their children. Cancel culture needs to end now if we are to restore democracy, liberty and the American dream for everyone because black lives and, in fact, all lives matter more than political agendas and the left’s repugnant agenda-driven opportunism. 

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