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18 Aug, 2020 05:28

‘Covid is just a metaphor’?! Cuomo draws outrage with unhinged Trump-bashing DNC victory lap

‘Covid is just a metaphor’?! Cuomo draws outrage with unhinged Trump-bashing DNC victory lap

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has ignited a firestorm after attempting a poetic comparison between President Donald Trump and the coronavirus, dubbing the deadly illness but a “metaphor” in a speech to the Democratic convention.

“Our nation is in crisis. And in many ways Covid is just a metaphor,” the governor pontificated during his speech to the party’s virtual convention on Monday night, comparing the Trump administration to a “dysfunctional” immune system.

A virus attacks when the body is weak and when it cannot defend itself. Over these past few years, America's body politic has been weakened. The divisions have been growing deeper.

Cuomo’s equation of the president and pandemic drew an instant rebuttal from Trump’s campaign team – and later from the POTUS himself – pointing to the governor’s past praise for the federal response to the virus, to which Trump added a jab at Cuomo’s poor memory.

Others soon joined the pile-on, with many reminding Cuomo of his own government’s failures in tackling the pandemic, namely the highly controversial decision to force nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients from hospitals.

The policy, which compelled the most vulnerable elderly patients to commingle with those confirmed to carry the virus, likely contributed to the state’s 6,400-plus nursing home deaths.

“Cuomo was saying Covid is a metaphor. For incompetence of local leaders, maybe,” one user observed.

Cuomo, however, glided over the controversy altogether, instead lavishing himself and his administration with praise for successfully leading the state through the crisis.

For all the suffering and tears, our way worked, and it was beautiful.

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