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10 Apr, 2009 15:27

Moldova: new day, new protest

Moldova's President, Vladimir Voronin, called on the country's Constitutional Court to order a re-count of the Parliamentary election.

He says that it would be the only way to divert the country from a political dead end.

The opposition says the move is to divert attention away from election fraud committed days before the vote.

Following preceding events of rioting in the streets of the Moldovan capital Chisinau, on Tuesday, the opposition has planned to organize another, this time peaceful, act of protest.

Although mass protests were expected to start on Friday morning at 10 am local time, only journalists were present at the scene originally.

Later, several hundred people had gathered in the city’s main square, bearing balloons and flowers. According to them, this symbolized the peaceful nature of the protest they planned – something hearted by the opposition and the authorities alike.

In addition to these attributes, the demonstrants carried banners and placards with demands to recount the votes and to move Moldova towards a more liberal course of governance, as well as asking Europe to help resolve the situation.

Another demand of the crowd is to release the people arrested during the riots which took place in the Moldovan capital following the announcement of the election results.

The rally has been authorized by the mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca, who is himself one of the leaders of the opposition.

Vladimir Voronin has agreed to recount the results of the election which, by some observers, is seen as a step towards compromise between the two conflicting sides.

However, it is still unclear whether this compromise will be seen as something significant by the opposition.

The number of participants at the rally is expected to increase as the evening descends over Chisinau. People who finish their days at work are anticipated to joint the protest.
