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25 Nov, 2014 18:35

Night of fierce riots: Ferguson madness as witnessed by RT news team (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Night of fierce riots: Ferguson madness as witnessed by RT news team (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The Missouri grand jury’s decision to acquit police officer Darren Wilson, who was accused of killing teenager Michael Brown, caused a wave of wild protests. RT has been covering the fallout, with one of its producers becoming injured in Ferguson.

LIVE UPDATES on Ferguson reaction to grand jury decision

Lorena de la Cuesta, a field producer at RT's Ruptly news agency, was awaiting the grand jury's decision on Monday, together with hundreds of people who took to the streets of Ferguson ahead of the announcement.

Ready to know Grand Jury's decision! #Ferguson@Ruptlypic.twitter.com/7Toc5lEX9Y

— Lorena de la Cuesta (@LorenadlaCuesta) November 25, 2014

When the decision to acquit Wilson was made public, de la Cuesta reported some bottles immediately being thrown at police in Ferguson. She also tweeted a picture of sniper on the roof of the Ferguson Police Department.

Snipper at #Ferguson Police Dept's roof pic.twitter.com/1gHH9yf6ey

— Lorena de la Cuesta (@LorenadlaCuesta) November 25, 2014

The journalist posted several images of unrest unfolding in Ferguson, with cars and buildings being set on fire and police clearing people – both protesters and reporters – from the scene.

Police clearing up press and protestors from police car burning in#Ferguson pic.twitter.com/6sNGZq3cUd

— Lorena de la Cuesta (@LorenadlaCuesta) November 25, 2014

You think you had a crazy night? #Ferguson

A photo posted by Lorena De La Cuesta (@lorenadlacuesta) on Nov 11, 2014 at 1:28am PST

De la Cuesta then said that while she was reporting from the streets, "the gas came out, and my eyes started burning, and I couldn’t breathe." The reporter was injured with a tear gas canister.

The tear gas cannister that hit me tonight in #Ferguson , nothing serious. pic.twitter.com/j69Xb0mvNn

— Lorena de la Cuesta (@LorenadlaCuesta) November 25, 2014

"I was doing live, and I started to walk towards the police, and suddenly everyone started running in the opposite direction. I felt a really strong impact on my leg, and when I looked, I realized it was a tear gas canister,” Lorena de la Cuesta said.

RT correspondent Aleksey Yaroshevsky traveled to the Missouri town following reports of tear gas being used on protesters.

Oh, that smell i can never forget since Maidan - burning tires. Now in #Ferguson

— Alexey Yaroshevsky (@Yaro_RT) November 25, 2014

When in Missouri, the reporter witnessed "police cruiser burning, officers in heavy gear, protesters angry." He was told by a policeman "not [to] go a mile down the road," as there was a shootout in the area.

The whole new line of riot police about to march in on #Ferguson PD pic.twitter.com/4o32N3UXH1

— Alexey Yaroshevsky (@Yaro_RT) November 25, 2014

Yaroshevsky then reported that things were "calmer" by Tuesday morning, but that several businesses were "still smoldering."

Things are slightly calmer now in #Ferguson. If you can use the word "calm" when a dozen businesses are smoldering, many more looted

— Alexey Yaroshevsky (@Yaro_RT) November 25, 2014

"Good" morning, #Ferguson

Фото опубликовано Alexey Yaroshevsky (@yaro_rt) ноя 11, 2014 at 6:41 PST

The aftermath of the night's unrest was also witnessed by another RT employee, Manuel Rapalo.

Firefighters struggling to get a hold of this fire at a #Ferguson auto parts store.

A photo posted by Manuel Rapalo (@manuelrapalo) on Nov 11, 2014 at 1:56am PST

Police towing away cruiser, still steaming after being set on fire. #Ferguson

A photo posted by Manuel Rapalo (@manuelrapalo) on Nov 11, 2014 at 12:33am PST

Demonstrations reached far beyond the state's borders, with protests raging in a number of cities across the country – including New York and Washington, DC.

Thousands gathered outside the White House, while people took to the streets of New York, shutting down some of the city's bridges. RT's Ruptly filmed both of the mainly peaceful protests.
