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20 May, 2014 06:46

​Cable oligopoly, justice for Rachel Corrie & a world without bees

Abby Martin discusses the further creation of an oligopoly in the US cable television market. The parents of Palestinian-American peace activist Rachel Corrie discuss their daughter’s death after being run over by an IDF bulldozer. Some of the most outrageous recent police stories, including the sentencing of Occupy protestor Cecily McMillan for assaulting a cop after having her breast grabbed. Finally, Tiffany Finck-Haynes, campaign manager for Food Futures, and Alison Gillespie, author of ‘Hives in the City: Keeping Honey Bees Alive in an Urban World’, talk about a phenomenon known as ‘colony collapse disorder’, leading to millions of bees dying off and having a harmful impact on global produce and ecosystems.

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