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15 Mar, 2019 22:49

The News with Rick Sanchez - March 15, 2019 (15:00 ET)

Is it time for Social Media terror monitors?

A white nationalist extremist killed 49 people at two mosques in New Zealand on Friday. The shooter livestreamed his rampage in a 17-minute video on Facebook. RT America’s Rachel Blevins joins Rick Sanchez with the details.

What will crash US economy? 

Private corporate debt in the US stands at $9 trillion. Economist and co-founder of “Democracy at Work” Prof. Richard Wolff joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the dangers of such an astronomical sum to the US in the event of a deep recession. 

Harvard: Learning from Lizards to regrow parts  

A team of Harvard researchers studying panther worms have discovered a “master control gene” called Early Growth Response (EGR) which may one day unlock the secret of limb-regeneration in humans. RT America’s Michele Greenstein reports for the News with Rick Sanchez.


