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25 Jun, 2019 00:53

The News with Rick Sanchez - June 24, 2019 (20:00 ET)

CBS disguises military contractor as analyst 

Rick Sanchez discusses the latest round of sanctions against Iran and laments the fact that a bought and complicit US media has abrogated its responsibility to stand up to the neocons.

Seriously? Pompeo seeks Saudi advice on ‘bad behavior’ 

Author and professor of international human rights Dan Kovalik joins Rick Sanchez to unpack western canards about Iran and double-standards in discussions of “terrorism.”

Oregon republicans hiding to avoid climate vote 

New climate legislation in Oregon has been stalled by GOP state senators who are avoiding Congress in order to put a halt to the process. Each is facing a $500 fine for every day of continuing absence. Meanwhile, a right-wing Oregon militia has pledged loyalty to the Republican senators and the state GOP has taken to mocking the Democrats over Twitter. RT America’s Michele Greenstein joins Rick Sanchez with the details. She points out that the provisions of the bill aren’t as benign as some of the coverage would suggest.

