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18 Dec, 2019 01:46

The News with Rick Sanchez - December 17, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The Pentagon is convinced that Germany’s consumption of Russian natural gas is a dire threat. Why is Washington bent on sanctioning a foreign business deal? Rick Sanchez explains the incomprehensible new sanctions, which Germany has deemed “unacceptable.” Then RT America’s Michele Greenstein weighs in. 

RT America’s John Huddy reports on the looming impeachment vote in the US Congress and President Trump’s blistering open letter to Nancy Pelosi before Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida) shares his insights.

RT America’s Sara Montes de Oca reports on friction between the White House and Congress over recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Then RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports on a breakthrough in breast cancer detection. 
