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13 Apr, 2019 08:27

Pentagon whistleblowers, closing the Snowden files early, & Nestle has been lying

To kick off the show, Lee brings us back to fraud in the military industrial complex. It has recently been revealed that astronomical numbers of people have tried to blow the whistle on waste, fraud and corruption in the weapons industry. Their complaints, as Lee has reported before, were ignored on a massive scale. The Pentagon’s inaction on waste and fraud helps us to understand how its budget included $21 trillion in unaccounted spending over the last two decades. Further into the news, Lee looks at the Intercept’s decision to close the Snowden files, a massive fine handed out to Israeli banks for tax evasion, the fight between renewable energy and the fossil fuel industry, and more.

In the second half of the show, Natalie McGill sits down with Lee to talk about how the National Christian Foundation, which is the nation’s eighth-largest public charity, has donated $56.1 million dollars in the last three years to dozens of anti-LGBT and anti-Muslim hate groups. And to finish the show, Naomi Karavani reports on a class-action lawsuit against Nestle. It turns out that the multinational corporation’s Poland Spring brand isn’t spring water and it definitely doesn’t come from the Poland Spring that it’s named after.

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